12 January 2013

Cher Horowitz, Dionne Davenport + Tai Fraiser

Stacey Dash, Alicia Silverstone and Brittany Murphy pose for the Clueless advertisement.- Image not my own.
Those die hard fans of nineties teen movies will know what this post's title is about and if your also one of those die hard fashion lovers as well you will know exactly where i'm heading with this post- which i am super excited about! The names Cher, Di and Tai will perhaps be more familiar. These names are of course the characters in 1995 teen explosion film Clueless.
I first remember seeing this film around the age of 4 or 5, i had just recently started schooling and my mum had video taped it for me, yes video taped. This might have been where my desires to dress and look/act a certain way had started to form and especially where i started to gain a love for fashion. I do hope however i didn't try to dress too alike to any of the films characters, i believe this may be far to age inappropriate. From the killer stereotypical Valley girl lines of pure hilarity to the wardrobe departments iconic pieces (which i still wish i was in possession of) and transporting my into this highly glamourised, idolised and dramatised teen world (that i so longingly want to be part of) this film is an ultimate favourite of mine. I'm sure it is for most of us early nineties kids, am i right?
I share good news with all of you secret Cher, Di or Tai wannabes. Wildfox have used this classic as inspiration for their new 2013 collection. Amen, hallelujah, praise the lord! The Wildfox Couture brand have never had an un-exciting season, taking inspiration from all manner of things; Romeo + Juliet, The Queen, Marie Antoinette to name just a few of their recent successful collections. The Clueless collection is one that i am by far so thrilled to hear and see taking place. I've had a look at the up and coming collection and there are alot of pieces that pay homage to the film, which i so desperatly want to purchase but are not yet released for sale. In spite of this the campaign for this collection has already been released online. The campaign has taken iconic scenes, settings and wardrobe from the film to recreate. Using the actual locations which where used in filming all those EIGHTEEN years ago, teasing us with Clueless-esque ensembles, reenacting those infamous moments which launched these young actors (and this film) into superstardom! so to tantalise your taste buds and prepare you for all the delights that are about to come... here a few sweet treats.

All images from Wildfox Couture 2013 collection, images not my own.
Many more adored and iconic scenes from the original 1995 film sensation were blown fresh life into for the Wildfox campaigns, these where just a select few as the magic lies with the audience uncovering photographs for this campaign by themselves. How about a blast from the past? All that's left to say is.....

"As if"  
"Your a virgin, that can't drive"   
"Do you prefer 'fashion victim' or 'emsembley challenged'?"
"As long as his, you know what, isn't crooked"
"I wanna be 5'10 like Cindy Crawford"   
"it's an Alaia"  
"He's a cake boy"   
"i have asked you repeatedly not to call me woman"

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